It's Time For Christmas Music!
So, I've decided in addition to my regular posts, during the holiday season, I'd share thoughts, lyrics, videos on some of my favorite (and sometimes not-so-favorite) Christmas songs, starting with:
Do You Hear What I Hear
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light
I want to preface by saying, I really like this song, depending on who's singing it. Third Day has an amazing arrangement. That being said, it also make me laugh. I mean, If I wrote it....
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
"whooooooosh" (because wind can't talk).....
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
"Baaaaaaa" (same problem as the wind)......
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring him blankets and coats.....
Just saying.....
Tomorrow Is Election Day....
And I’ve made up my mind. It was not easy - I had a lot of decisions to weigh.
First I looked at John McCain. Clint Eastwood said he’s voting for him. Clint. Eastwood. John, you had me at Dirty Harry. Then I read that Joe Perry of Aerosmith is voting for him??? Man, there’s no one’s advice I look to more than that of a rock star!
But then I looked to my left and watched Ron Howard’s video endorsement of Barack Obama on that great well of political knowledge, funnyordie.com. I mean, if Opie Cunningham backs him, who am I to argue? Plus, Andy Griffith is featured in the video, shattering the illusion that not all old people are racist or right winged - talk about some crazy stuff!!!! To top it off - THE FONZ is a Barack guy too! I’ve always looked to the epitome of cool to do what’s right - why question him on something as important as the election?
Geez, I wasn’t sure which celebrity to lean on.
Then, I read an interview with Taylor Swift, 18 year old country music star who just voted early for the first time. I’ll be honest, I almost skipped it, because, really, what do the youth of the nation know? But somehow, I managed to make it through the article to read the following:
“I watched the debates and I read all kinds of articles on each person and each vice president and what they believe in and where their priorities are,” she says.
In the end, however, “I went with my gut instinct,” she says. “I wavered back and forth the entire time I was waiting in line and when I got into the voting booth, I said, ‘That’s the one I’m voting for,’ and I pressed the button. And I feel good about it!”
Wait a second - someone who says they researched both candidtates and made their own informed decision, only to keep their decision to themselves? CRAZY!!!! Leave it to these kids to make these outlandish statements.
So, I’ve finally listened to all of the celebrity endorsements and I’ve decided who to listen to. And my candidate of choice is.....
....going to be marked on the ballot tomorrow and is no one else’s business.